Understanding the Core Principles of GDPR

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The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has transformed how organisations handle personal data, emphasising privacy and data protection more than ever. The GDPR’s principles have remained important even today as when they were first implemented in 2016. These principles should form the basis of any modern privacy management programme, ensuring that organisations process personal data ethically and transparently. Here, we look at the seven GDPR principles that govern data processing activities.

1. Lawfulness, fairness, and transparency.

When personal data is processed, there must be a legitimate cause for doing so, known as lawfulness under the GDPR. Valid grounds include user consent, contractual need, legal responsibilities, vital interest protection, public interest tasks, or legitimate interests that do not conflict with the data subject’s rights.

Fairness entails being open and honest about why and how data is acquired, so that the user is not surprised. Transparency entails being upfront and honest with data subjects about who is collecting their information and why. Together, these characteristics ensure that data processing respects persons’ rights and fosters trust.

2. Purpose Limitation.

The second GDPR principle requires that data be acquired for specific, stated, and legal reasons only. This purpose constraint means that once data is acquired for a specific purpose, it should not be used for any other incompatible purpose without the subject’s explicit consent. This principle helps to prevent the misuse of personal data while also preserving the original data-collecting aim.

3. Data Minimization.

The data minimization concept states that organisations should acquire just the least amount of data required for their specific purposes. For example, if you’re gathering email addresses for a newsletter, you don’t need to collect phone numbers or addresses. This approach aims to mitigate the risks connected with data breaches by reducing the amount of personal data retained by an organisation.

4. Accuracy

Ensuring the accuracy of obtained data is crucial. To ensure data quality, organisations must implement methods for correcting, updating, or erasing incorrect or incomplete data, as well as conducting frequent audits. Accurate data is critical for making informed decisions and building confidence with data subjects.

5. Storage Limitation

The principle of storage limitation requires organisations to keep personal data as long as it is required to accomplish the purpose for which it was gathered. After this, the information should be anonymised or removed. Establishing clear data retention policies aids in compliance with the guidelines by ensuring that data is not stored longer than required.

6. Integrity and confidentiality.

Personal data integrity and confidentiality is maintained by securing it from unauthorised access, unintentional loss, destruction, or damage. Organisations must establish appropriate security measures to protect data from internal and external threats, ensuring that data is secured throughout its lifecycle.

7. Accountability

Accountability is a fundamental GDPR principle that requires organisations to demonstrate compliance with all GDPR standards. This includes keeping detailed records of data processing operations, putting appropriate safeguards in place, and being prepared to give evidence of compliance to supervisory authorities upon request. Documentation and regular audits are critical components in establishing accountability.

Conclusion: Integrating GDPR Principles.

GDPR principles encapsulate the spirit and intent of modern data protection policies. They influence all aspects of data processing and business operations, from the preliminary design stages to the entire data processing lifecycle. Implementing these principles effectively necessitates a commitment to privacy by design and default, ensuring that privacy considerations are built into every part of data management.

What Praeferre Does to Follow the GDPR Rules

As part of our commitment to the highest standards of data security, Praeferre has fully implemented the rules of GDPR into how we do business. Our method starts with openness, making sure that everyone whose data is being collected knows how and why it is being collected. We strictly follow the principles of lawfulness, fairness, and transparency, making sure that all of our data processing activities are legal and that people’s rights are honoured. A big goal is to collect as little data as possible, so we only get the knowledge we need for certain tasks and nothing else. Regular audits and updates are part of our data accuracy processes to make sure that data we hold is correct and up to date. In line with the storage limits principle, we also have strict rules about how long we keep personal data.We just retain it as long as necessary. More advanced security measures keep data safe from leaks and unauthorised access, which keeps it honest and private.

Lastly, we keep a lot of records and do regular compliance checks to show that we’re following GDPR. This makes sure that everyone in our organisation is responsible and accountable.


1. What does GDPR mean by “lawfulness” in terms of handling data?

Legality means that processing data must be based on one of the legal reasons listed in the GDPR. These include consent, the need to fulfil a deal, or following the law.

2. What effect does the idea of fairness have on how data is collected?

For things to be fair, data collection must be clear and people must be told how their data will be used, so they aren’t misled or surprised by the processing activities.

3. What does it mean for GDPR to limit the aim of processing?

Purpose limitation makes sure that personal data is only used for the reasons it was taken in the first place. This stops data from being used for different reasons without the person’s permission.

4. How do organisations make sure that info is kept to a minimum?

Data minimization can be achieved by organisations only taking data that is strictly necessary for the stated purpose and not collecting any other information.

5. What steps can be taken to make sure the info is correct?

Data accuracy is kept up by regular checks, validation methods, and ways for people to update their information.

6. Why is limiting storage space so important for keeping data safe?

Limiting storage is important because it lowers the risk of data breaches and makes sure that data isn’t kept longer than it needs to be, which is in line with best practices for privacy.

7. How do most people make sure that info is kept safe and private?

To protect the privacy and integrity of data, many people use encryption, access controls, and frequent security audits.

8. How does being responsible under GDPR help businesses?

Accountability is good for businesses because it builds trust with stakeholders and shows that they follow data security rules, which can help them avoid legal problems and fines.

9. What part does paperwork play in following GDPR?

Documentation shows that organisations follow GDPR rules and keeps track of the actions that involve processing data, which promotes openness and responsibility.

10. How can privacy be built into data handling so that it is always there?

You can set up privacy by design and default by building data protection into all projects from the start and making sure that the default settings are the ones that protect your privacy the most.