How cookies and tracking technologies work on websites
Tracking cookies is like little spies on websites. They help advertisers and marketers by collecting personal information about you when you visit a site.
10 Common Types of Cyber Attacks
A cyber attack is when cyber criminals try to get into a computer system or network. They want to alter, steal, wreck, or reveal information. These attacks can go after anyone, from regular people to big companies or even governments.
How can good Data Privacy be a competitive advantage?
In today’s business world, data is really important. Companies always gather, keep safe, and study information about customers. They do this to understand how people act and make their offerings better.
What is Data Privacy Consent?
Data privacy consent means giving permission for someone or a company to use your personal information in a certain way. It’s really important because it follows rules about how data should be handled fairly and legally.
What is Phishing? How do phishing scams work?
Phishing is a misleading practice that endangers individual and organisational security by manipulating people into revealing private data, installing destructive software, and becoming victims of cybercrime.
What is Data Privacy 101, and Why It Matters?
Data privacy means following rules to keep people’s personal information safe. This includes making sure that only the right people can see or use it.